Damon Albarn: The Nearer The Fountain, More Pure The Stream Flows

The Nearer the Fountain, More Pure the Stream Flows is the new project from singer, songwriter and composer Damon Albarn. A meeting of light and dark, the contemporary and historic. Staring into the dark, walking into the unknown. Appreciating existence in its fabulous complexity.


Damon Albarn has partnered with Silent Studios co-founder Nathan Prince for all visual aspects and creative direction for this incredibly personal project that explores the metaphysical, delving into the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter.



Creative Direction
Nathan Prince and Rory McGrath

Album Design and Art Direction

Album: Marton Perlacki
BTS: Matt Cronin and Nathan Prince

Visualiser Film Footage
Damon Albarn

Special Thanks to Nick Gray, Marc Cardonnel and Bryn Ormrod. Niamh Byrne, Regine Moylett, Tanyel Vahdettin and Gaby Power at Eleven Mgmt.

Nathan Prince